(This all sarcasm so dont take anything seriously)This is randomocracy.com home to the most random things ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WHAT is your favorite type of cloud?Cumulus, Acute, or Obtuse???Are they all realy types of clouds?the world shall never know!HOW do you spell supercalifragilisticexpialdious???<------Das a big word!WHAT is a widget?I am alergic to the color orange(well i just really hate it)i mean seriously, orange?nOW whO here like toast?personally its not my favorite YEAH!lets go eat burnt bread with butter!=]

If your going to have a succesful carrer you must follow theese tips!

  • YOU must brush your legs and shave your teeth every morning noon and night
  • YOU must try raw eggs at least two times, and sardines(one of my personal favorites are sardines mmmmmmmmmmm)
  • YOU must have a bfffl(best friend forever for life) to support you, to have you back!!!
  • YOU must be able to do this: (''')(^_^)(''') this kitty's got claws!ROAR!!!
  • YOU must follow all theese tips

 !!!ROAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Sorry i havent

been able to uptadte!the publishing thing wont work!=[Nocternal go hoot hoot owl ses!Whale'o'Wagon!!!!!!

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